Monday, November 29, 2010

Melissa's birthday, continued

In our family, birthdays last a long time. At least several days. You ask someone who has a birthday coming up, or even just past, to do something, and you get, "but it's my birthday". More likely they will ask you to do something for them, or buy them something, because it's their birthday. Anyway, she made her own birthday, at her own house, on the 27th. She barbecued pork for pulled pork sandwiches, and ribs, and made 2 pans of macaroni and white truffle-cheese, one without garlic, just for me. She made blue cheese coleslaw and vanilla sour cream ice cream. And Cheryl made the pavlova, pictured above. It was fabulous. I didn't like the crunchy dry part of the meringue layers, but loaded with whipped cream and strawberries (from our own garden), and blackberries, it was delicious. The ice cream was rich, and really good, but probably couldn't eat a bowl of it. Just a spoonful was nice. And we were stuffed. Again. Also had a glass of wine and 1 1/2 bottles of black cherry soda. I gave her her carribean blue panta, a pair of leopard fur flip flops with ribbons, and a bag of cracker jack. Good times.

Back to work today and I am bored out of my mind.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Melissa's birthday, and the day after.

That's my first egg, that became a child of mine. The wild child, herself. Melissa Paige, last name Darling, at this time. I love her energy.

My sister and I ended up eating buffet Thanksgiving at the casino. It was pretty darn good! And we had alot of fun playing different machines. Ended up there for 5 hours or so, and I had to be dragged out, pratically by my hair. Lucky my second & third eggs were here to feed the horses for me. They tell me I owe them. Ha.

It's cold outside. 18 degrees this morning, but supposed to warm up to 50. That's not warm. I don't wanna go out there.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanks-giving 2010

This is where I would be oh so thankful for. Black sand beach in Hawaii. I can't even dream of being able to go there. Melissa went there on her honeymoon. Can't even go to my Dad's for the holiday cause my car isn't reliable.

I didn't mean it, Monte! I love you!

Mom is in San Diego (I could say something snarky about that), and my ungrateful children, spawned from my unreliable eggs (I believe the older eggs had degraded somewhat, and the earlier eggs had some slight genetic alterations), are feasting with their OTHER families, leaving only my steadfast sister and myself, on our own for the day. No cooking this year. We did that last year, and sat across the table from each other with a mountain of food, too tired to eat it, knowing we had to clean it all up.

No we're going out. Golden Corral is offering a Thanksgiving buffet this year, and the casino may be calling our names.

4 days off is a gift, and I intend to use it.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Here comes a holiday

This cunning trio played a Halloween trick. They went upstairs, changed into costumes, went out the back door and around the house, and knocked. The dogs went wild. I dragged Dickie into my room, and Cheryl answered the door. When she yelled at me to let Dickie go - I knew. They didn't get candy, they got a rock.

Thanksgiving is next week. Mom went to San Diego for 2 weeks. The kids go to their dad's. Last year it was my sister and I across the feasting table. This year, it seems it will go that way again. We've kicked around some ideas to have an interesting day, but we probably won't make a hard decision until the day before. Mel's birthday is the day after, just like the year she was born. I'm knitting a second panta for her. The first was given to someone else who requested it. Since she's lent me thousands of dollars of horse training dvds, it was my pleasure.

Got a load of hay on Thursday morning. I'm feeding soaked alfalfa cubes and cutting back on the hay, so let's see how long this lasts.

We're done with the WM CRS at work. Our plant rocked it in November, but I hear the bonus will be pitiful. And the xmas party will have snacks instead of dinner. There will be door prizes, but I wonder. I signed up for me & Rob to go.

Got to schedule IF on Friday, which is dang hard for one day going into a weekend. But it was fun to talk to everyone there again.

T - if you're reading this, thanks for being my solitary reader. I will try to be more consistent and quite more entertaining from now on. Love you.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Old times.

Had to be about '78. Mel about a year old. My old green Pinto. Cheryl driving, just like always. My best friend Jean in the backseat. Mom had this picture in a photo album, so she mst have taken it for some reason. Don't know where we were going.

Timberly's birthday on Monday. I took it off as a vacation day, she has the whole week. We're going on a shopping trip in Topeka with Melissa, and having lunch. I caught a huge head cold, so am resting up to make sure I can go tomorrow.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Life is just crazy.

Kentucky was a good time. Melissa at the one mile marker. Have no idea what this means.

Dad at the table. Last time, he only went from bed to chair to bed. He is doing exercises now, and really seems stronger.

Steve bought a whole prime rib, cut some steaks off for later, and cooked in the rotisserie. Excellent! The girls shot guns, rode a 4 wheeler, and we creek hunted with buckets. I knitted on my simply african violets scarf and passed where the pattern stopped. Had to finish my commissioned piece when I got home, but I'm back to working on it when I do watch tv in the living room.

I got a 3.something percent raise, and they've changed the pay periods. I get less on each check but there are 2 extra ones during the year. Have not caught up quite yet from the 5 day check period though. My raise was an exception, and I thanked my boss quite well. After all, they did save a whole salary paycheck by moving my coworker out, and I absorbed a good part of her job.

So I'm making good money, but don't want to go to work. That's crazy.

Bobbi is going to Johnson County, and working part time at the plasma donor place as a tech. She has some crazy stories to tell. And she hates pretty much all of it.

Kenny is doing his senior year online. He is still in trouble for crashing into a house. So I'm still in trouble for crashing into a house. Now, you have to admit, that's just CRAZY.

Timberly is doing beautifully at her job. She is doing special training, and she being reluctantly sucked into advancement. She loved her job as it was. That's crazy, and a good job, if you ask me. Mine used to be like that.

Cheryl finally got a medical card and gets $100 a month for 24 months, from the government, for support. That's your lifetime benefit. Crazy much? Also, when she gets her back disability pay, which is what they expect, so why they gave her the card, any medical expenses will have to be paid back from her back disability pay. Government freakin backwards politics crazy. And the new healthcare shit hasn't even gone into effect yet.

We had a tornado watch last night. Storm came in with rain and wind. Didn't hear the rain, but sure heard the wind. Went out to feed the horses this morning in shorts & flops, and skidded out of my flops into the mud. The fence has been lit and on every day. This morning, not. This afternoon, I go out to the front lot, and that tree lost another huge heavy branch and took out the 2nd and 3rd wires. Not the top or bottom. Got it lined out again, but need strong kids with strong backs to move the branch off the neighbor's fence. Tornado watch in September. That's just crazy.

Thanks, Teej, for following. I feel like a better writer, with an audience.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day Weekend!

The plant is shut down ALL 3 DAYS! Haven't done THAT in years. Some very happy hourly staff. I have alot to do. I have all my laundry from traveling last week. Dad seems better, stronger, less confused. It was great. Spent some time with Melissa, which hadn't done for a long, long time. Had dinner in a fancy Italian restaraunt, and 2 glasses of a Reisling white wine. Everyone at the plant was really nice. Nice customer meeting too. Haven't uploaded pictures either, yet. And my room is a mess. Hay coming tomorrow morning at 9. Hope this is a short easy day.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dear Diary,

That damn addicting facebook... that's all I can say. But I'm going to try to keep this up, now.

Leaving for Evansville tomorrow with Bix. Tuesday is to be Logility web training, and dinner with the Unilever team. Wed is the Unilever customer summit meeting. Wed night, my sister and 2 of my daughters will drive in Bobbi's truck, spend the night with me, and in the morning, drive 2 hours to Dad's in KY. Sunday we will all drive back. I've got the company laptop and am getting the air card from Machell tomorrow. I'm mostly packed. Need to pick a knitting project to take with me. Oh, I'll just take the lady eleanor to work on. That's all for now.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Robyn's 26th

We all met at the bowling alley. The Kansas state women's tournament was going on, so we went to El Mezcal for lunch. I picked up the tab. Later that night, the kids all went skating. I think we're going to try bowling next Saturday. Birthday dinner today with banana cake.

The weather's finally getting better. Supposed to be in the 70s all week, but the good friday weekend, it's supposed to rain all 3 days or something. So Easter next weekend and we have to plan Mom's 75th for the 17th of April and Sean's coming up at the end of that month.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's been awhile

Been busy, busy, busy. Today is the first day of spring - have about 4 inches of snow on the ground this morning, and it's snowing lightly now! Killing me. Hay guy coming tomorrow. Had to get a friend to bring me a bale to get me through. Scheduled for my last week in IF. Be starting my training on Lynn's stuff next week, if she has time. Have court tomorrow, so will need to work from home. The laptop is having a connection issue. It's the LAN button. Keeps going on and off. That's pretty serious, since all my JDE stuff is on it. JD doesn't compat with Vista.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Looking alot like spring here...

Yesterday Kim came out and trimmed Griff. It's so soft and muddy out there, he sank to his ankles between the gate and the hitching post. Tucker stayed quiet on his side of the fence and didn't try to bolt out of the gate either time. 6 weeks went by so fast in that respect. The sun is out and it's been in the 50's. Almost all of the dirty rotten snow is gone. Just a few patches left where it was piled deep, or frozen deep. Everyone's thinking of plants and seeds. Mom's started some this week. I have some paw paw seeds in the laundry room fridge to put out, myself.
TJ & Bobbie and I went and saw Alice in Wonderland with Johnny Depp in 3D last night. It was a great experience. I felt like the first time I rented a vcr & a movie, hooked it up, pushed play, and presto! The movie you want to see at that moment starts playing. The butterfly at the end of the movie seemed just in my reach. I had to stop myself from stretching out my hand to offer a landing for it. The costumes were great, and there were some repeatable lines "I need a pig, here!" We ate at GC first but the food was awful. I think because it was so late in the afternoon. Today is all about laundry, and cleaning up my room Need to top off the tanks too.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bad, bad horses...

Finally went to TSC yesterday and got a couple of barley bags, anticipating Kenny and I cleaning both stock tanks. Came around the front of the barn, and the little monsters had gotten the shed door open and dragged everything out into the mud. Griff's blanket, fly mask, both lead ropes, the whole grooming kit off the door, and scattered everything in the mud. The snow is melting during the day, and freezing back up at night. We got the board on the barn feeder nailed back up, both tanks cleaned out and filled and the water looks so clear, it's amazing. Stock tank cleaning due again around 5/1. I got all the brushes and gear cleaned off. Have to wash his blanket, face mask, and the ropes & grooming thing cleaned yet.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nothing's really changed.

Nothing's changed at work, except I managed to almost blow off what's coming. Went to court today, and nothing's changed there either. Kenny still has 4 weeks till he can go back to school, but now he has to go to court that day instead. It was postponed because I blew off getting some legal advice. The court appointed guy is old, and been around awhile. They gave him the paperwork when we opened the door to the court room, so there's why the postponement. Basically, either we go for a diversion and hope K has sense to make it through without more trouble, then he doesn't have a juvenile record, can get in the air force, or even get a scholarship. Or we just let the conviction go through and it still costs us money, but probably somewhat less, and none of the above. Have to go for the diversion. Unless we want to give up hope for future for him. Can't do that.

Obviously, I tend to blow things off, hoping they go away. I tell myself I'm giving things time to develop and mature, not wanting to jump the gun and make any hasty decisions. That could be true at the beginning, but can't do it forever, evidently.

TJ's out on a 3rd date. She's very scared. Don't blame her. one. bit.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My cubicle. Looks much different a couple of days after I took this picture. I've cleared out all personal items. It's called disassociation, and depersonalization. Not very happy anymore.

Monday, February 8, 2010

It was a 3 day weekend w/snow

This was Friday morning, and it was so beautiful, that 3 of us took pictures, unbeknownst to the others. These were Mom's pictures. Spent the day doing a puzzle game on the computer and it was a great day. The big storm missed us last night. We only got a dusting. Went to a baby shower brunch Sat. morning and it's amazing the stuff for baby's now.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Saturday shopping spree

Timbers, Bobbi & I went on a short shopping spree, with some of Timbers tax return money. We went to Gordmans, Plato's Closet in Topeka, and finally, Target. I walked around Gordmans alone for what seemed like hours. The girls were in the dressing room that long. Nothing called out to me in the whole store. After I finally found them, they wanted to go to the shoe section, and on the way there, in the junior-plus section, I found a white peasant style blouse in 2XXL. I got it for a pajama top, but it doesn't look bad. Elastic banding at the bottom makes it able to pull down to my hips and ride there. Very poetic looking. Platos is not my favorite, but I did find a henly style white T, striped white on white, with a little lace above the button placket. $4.00. Then one of my personal favorites - Target. Finally got a pair of white converse tennies for work. Very cute! A dark violet tank, a v-neck white tee, a buff colored long sleeved henley, and a patriotic KU Tshirt that's just adorable. Came home and watched the game against KState with Timbers and worked on the Dolce cowl. It was a close, painful game. I don't watch basketball, but Timbers is entertaining. They did win in overtime, and KU is #1 now, as they should be. I bet the bars in Lawrence were obnoxiously loud last night! We had a great day.

Monday, January 25, 2010


30 bales of bome hay delivered and stacked for $120 on Sat. 1/23. Griff had his feet trimmed (after much mud scraping). It's really windy and for the next 5 days, cold, as well. Chances of snow and wintry mix. The gusts are up to 40 mph, which makes feel much colder. Not like it was a few weeks ago, tg. You can actually see the sun coming in the garage. The 2 stainless steel cans hold Strategy feed, and black oil sunflower seeds. Being stocked up on food, for animals & my family is a great feeling. Paid bills this weekend and watched some movies, got quite a lot of knitting done. TJ and Bobbi got to go to a cousin's wedding and spend time with some NY family, and Kenny got busted at a party in Lawrence, after curfew. His sister picked him up and I found out after the fact. He hadn't been actually doing anything wrong, except being there without permission. I didn't get his chore list done. I'm not feeling very well lately and it's hard to make myself do alot of things. Really hard. Have hot flashes every hour or 2 and it's just draining and depressing. What am I thankful for? What can I look forward to? This is hard.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Long weeks, short weekends

No holidays coming up until Good Friday. I didn't get much done at all this weekend. I woke up Sat. with spasms in my lower back. Friday night, while feeding the hairies, I found the barn stock tank almost empty with the heating elements exposed. Must have misjudged the water level in the dark the previous nights. So attached the hose and the steam clouded over the tank while I filled it up. It's a miracle it still works, and that the boys didn't get electricuted. Took the hose to the front lot tank and it had definitely been used, so topped it off as well. Unhooked the hose and drained it, all the while slipping around on the ice & snow patches. So somewhere I tweaked my back and felt it the next morning. By afternoon, the cramps I had been having off and on all week, kicked in hard. At one point, was threatening to go to the emergency room. Applying heat and advil finally brought it down after about 4 hours. Am going to make an appt. this week, somewhere. Must call David to get another load of hay this weekend, and Griff has a trim appt this weekend. Sunday, I got the xmas tree undecorated and packed away. KK has to carry all the stuff to the rec room today. I did do laundry, but didn't finish. Have to make a list of chores for Kenny this week. Have to get going!

Friday, January 15, 2010


This long week is almost over. The boy goes back to school on 3/22, and if he does alright, will spend his senior year there. Now he has about 10 weeks of nothing to do and trying to keep him out of trouble. Huge earthquake in Haiti this week. Lynn leaving the dept, and my job duties changing. Snow is melting, but still lots out there. Have alot to take care of this weekend.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Today is the day...

Sayin a little prayer....the hearing at the school is at 9am. I have to get to work immediately after. Hoping they can make one little concession so the boy can get back to school. Never that school, but hopefully the one in our district. This meeting is his future. If I'm stressed, I can't think how bad it is for him.

Changes coming with my job, too.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What the frack?

It's below zero out there. I have a vacation day today, to go to a hearing at the high school, but school is closed today. Better to stay in the warm house. Well, my room is warm. This picture is from the day after xmas. I haven't gone out to feed yet this morning. I topped off the water tank yesterday, scooped poop out of the barn, and tore up some prairie hay to may the barn cushy. I also put 2 more flood lights out there. They say there will be wind chills of up to 30 below, until Sunday. I have to go back to work on Friday, which is supposed to be the coldest this week. TJ is staying in Lawrence with Bobbi for awhile. My xmas present will arrive today, so I can hook up a media player in my bedroom, and put some movies & shows on the new drive. It's 74 in L.A.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year's Day 2010

All of the family showed up, except John, who had to work. Melissa and Sean opened their gifts, and Mel really loved her Thermis cowl and Dashings. Sean's going to take his Tony Hawk game back to WalMart and get Xbox 360 games instead. This picture kind of says it all for me. My sister hugging her only grandson, and my grandson laughing in the background. We had a glazed baked ham, so tender, mashed potatoes (creamy!), some burnt butter mac & cheese (I messed it up and put too much tabasco, not to mention burning the butter for the bechamel sauce). A green bean casserole for some, tiny peas for me, home made rolls that didn't have enough heat to rise well, and hot apple cream pie with whipped cream. I made a gallon of punch/gingerale with sliced orange, lemon & lime floating in it. Wish I had remembered some sherbert. WII was played. Freezing outside. It's minus 4 today and supposed to snow tonight....

Resolutions: No plumbers called in 2010! Work on paying down credit. Trail riding. But mostly enjoying people in my life, and making my home more simple and fulfilling.